Saturday 26 January 2013

Title Sequence Production Journal

We have completed our story-boarded title sequence. Initially we did not feel as if we were going to finish in time for the lesson to show our sequences to the class for feedback but after staying behind after school to edit, we managed to complete our sequence. There are significant differences between our original storyboards and our finished piece; we cut out one close up shot of a foot running through our stream because we felt it didn't add to the eerie atmosphere we wanted and actually ruined it. We also decided on scrapping the nursery rhyme we recorded for the sequence as we couldn't find a place where it work and ultimately didn't think it sounded creepy anymore.  We did, however, refer back to our storyboards often.

For some shots, we felt that the fade transitions we applied were too slow and  still prevented our sequence from flowing and so we, after playing around with Final Cut Pro, discovered that we could overlap clips and use that as a transition which not only allowed our piece to flow but also added to the strange, eerie tone that we wanted our sequence to have.

Overall, I am happy with our sequence. I think we were right in making the decisions to change certain elements of our storyboard because they just didn't work as we expected them too and it was important to us that the sequence felt eerie and our previous ideas such as fade transitions or where we originally wanted the opening credits to appear didn't create that tone.

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