Monday 3 December 2012

Title Sequence Progress

So far, I feel as if we are on the right track in regards to creating our opening sequence. We have our film idea established and resolved the issues that came up in the form of feedback from the class once we presented it together as a pitch. Initially, we struggled with coming up with a horror film plot that was original and entertaining and were worried that we would not have an idea in time for the class pitch however once we agreed on an idea of a haunted orphanage, we found it relatively easy to develop and successfully finished our pitch in time.

We also struggled with points to include in the audience profile- we had a brief outline but were not sure how to develop on it- however once we were given feedback, we understood the amount of detail that needed to be included and have started work on developing it.

After brainstorming, we have agreed on certain visual and sound elements that we think will be affective and will make up our opening sequence. We are now in the process storyboarding our sequence and getting the props we need.

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