Monday 4 February 2013

Title Sequence Feedback Editing

In response to the class feedback that our sequence may be eerier/creepier if we added in the nursery rhyme that we originally recorded, we played around with effects that would alter the nursery rhyme and placed it in our sequence. One of the reasons we scrapped it originally was because we couldn't find a place to put it as our soundtrack and foley sound took up everything but we resolved this problem by putting it over the soundtrack and turning it's volume down. Another reason was that we just didn't feel as if it created the eerie atmosphere that we wanted but, after distorting the sound and pairing it with our non-diegetic sound, we played it to some of our peers who confirmed that it made them feel uncomfortable and therefore worked in the way in which we wanted it to. 

We have made most of the adjustments possible to our title sequence highlighted from our feedback and are now simply adding the finishing touches, such as adding in fade transitions to the sound so that our sequence flows well and the sound doesn't just cut off.

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