Friday 1 February 2013

Title Sequence Feedback Editing

We have since started editing to improve our sequence with the help of our class feedback that demonstrated how our target audience would respond. Our main adjustment will be to the font; the class suggested that we changed the colour so that it was clearer to see along with the actual typography and where it was positioned (for the last shot where our title comes up). We are currently looking for another font but are struggling to find one that will work for our sequence.  We feel as if Supernatural Knight may be too boring and as if Ed Gein may be too connected to the slasher genre and it is important to us that the audience do not loose sight of the horror genre of our sequence.

We have changed the colour of our first font, 'nervous', to white for the time being and feel as if it has improved the clarity. However, for our last word- the film's title- the white made the clarity even worse so we have decided to just change that to a brighter red. We showed our adjusted title sequence to our peers who confirmed that they could now see the font clearly and so are planning to keep initial font (unless we do manage to find another) because the style still connotes our horror genre the most. In order to confirm that our font does so, we will screen our title sequence again to a wider range of people and see if they think it works.

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